Saturday, September 23, 2006

Time Flies When You're Living - Personal Observation

It is so funny to look at how much we grow and we don't even see it. I mean I remember my first day of day of school...My first day in High school....and all of that is slowly becoming more and more of a DISTANT MEMORY! At 23 people that I have known for years are getting married, they have kids, they have Masters Degrees' and are really shaping up to be beatufiul people. However, what happened to the OLD DAYS! The days when we would cut Chemistry class to see a movie....The days when we would run around the streets aimlessly with no destination in sight and surprisingly it was OK....The days when we used to talk about what we were going to be and what accomplishments we were going to make....The days when we were just talking about Pledging...LOL! I miss that...and I am just astonished at how quick life moves, and if you are not with it...It will move on without you! I just went to one of my best friends Wedding and she looked GEORGOUS and when I saw her I automatically got a vision of what I remember people looking like when they got married when I was younger...Like I remember thinking about how GROWN and SOPHISTICATED they looked and I looked at her and her husband and felt that feeling again....then it hit me! Dennis you are not a child anymore!!! I mean I have known for sometime now that I am a Grown MAN, but it really hit me that I am an adult...I have education under my belt....I work....I pay my own bills....I am responsible for my own failure and SUCCESS! WOW...I had not yet got it into my head that I was no longer my mother and father's child I was their Son...if that makes any sense to anyone. What I mean is that when we are young people refer to you as the baby, the child, that boy :), etc. and that description is now inaccurate...I have received my lesson, I have matriculated from child into son. I am now the one they look at for my ACCOMPLISHMENTS, I am not the one they pray will ACCOMPLISH. Basically life is crazyyyyyy and we only here for a moment so we have to take in all of our lessons and make them work for our benefit when we are GROWN!
Look at me! a few months ago. Carefree and STILL not
aware of what I have to do! WOW!

This is my High School Vice-Principal and the LADY that FIRED
me from my first job! :)...She taught me so much and
I was listening and I didn't even notice!

My BEST Buddy from Elementary School, Daycare, High School....A Married woman...Can you believe it?
I mean I remember our biggest concern being whether we would be able
to make 8 dollars an hour during Summer Work! LOL....Isn't GEORGOUS!!!!!!!

Syrita and her husband Aaron after the wedding!!! I was crying taking this picture,
because this is where it hit me....Like we are really ADULTS
and we have work to do! WOW!

My BEST FRIEND SINCE HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Shakira!!!! We used to call her Lil Gurl,
but now she is a grown woman with education, a job, and a baby boy!!!
All this happened in less than 5 years....Talk about time FLYING!!!
So Basically all I am saying is that Time Flies When you're take it and make it...Work for you! WE GROWN NOW!!!!!!!LOL


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