Thursday, September 21, 2006

Savant Noir Defined....

Greetings to Everyone!

I come before you new to the whole Blogging craze. I was inspired to do this blog because of my LOVE for all things ethereal and fashionable. So let's get started!

Question: What will I be talking about on this blog?

Answer: Everything I love! Fashion, Entertainment, GOSSIP!!!!!, Religion, Controversy, Television (Especially Reality TV!), Politics, Sexuality, Tradition, Culture, Trends, Beauty, Design, Music, Theatre and eveything else that comes up that is interesting. I am going to give you what you've been waiting for and what I have been wanting to say!

Question: What is Savant Noir?

Answer: Well A savant is a scholar or one who excels in a field and noir is simply BLACK in french. I am a scholar and I love all things ethereal and rich and BLACK is simply the most classic color one can have. Also I am Black so that is another reason for it. So Plainly put it means (for me) Black Scholar. However, this is for all people who love what I love whether you are white, black, asian, hispanic or whatever we all will be able to relate to this one!

Question: Who is behind the blog?

Answer: I am a man who has a love for popular culture and the finer things in life. My name is Dennis, I reign from PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA THE MECCA FOR ORIGINALITY! In addition, I am what some would call the FLYEST FAT MAN ON THE PLANET!!! I have two collegiate degrees and professionally I am the Creative Mind behind my company Empyreon Noir, Inc. and I work in event planning/production. Besides all of that I design clothes in my freetime and I would be nothing without GOD, FAMILY, FRIENDS and FASHION!!! That is basically me, not too much too me I am just ME and LOVING IT!

So in short, this is the beginning of something GREAT and I am hoping you tune in to see what new and exciting issues and topics I bring in front of you.




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